Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Oktoberfest Goodness...

Sunday was an adventure! We waited for Ben to get home from TenMile, then headed out for Mt. Angel, to Oregon's largest (and felt like most crowded) Oktoberfest.

Rob and kids came with us, we started as a group, and made it down food alley, eating morsels from different booths.  We had rainbow kettle korn, elephant ears, fondue with bread and veggies, bratwursts, soft pretzels, etc.  

While we were sitting on a curb away from the sea of people, a bee landed on Parker's neck.  He grabbed at it, not knowing it was a bee, and it zapped him on the finger.  OUCH!!  He was tough, iced it down, and off we went to the kindergarten.  

Tillee and Audrey went on a couple bouncies, while the big kids waited in line for a "harnessed trampoline ride."  After a half an hour, we finally talked the kids out of line.  Simple math says it was going to take 2 hours before Q & P were gonna make it on the thing, so finally they gave up and we watched the championship weiner dog race.. LIFE IS GOOD!!

We walked through the crafts, the kids got bracelets, fairy wings, and Ben got dill mustard.  I got some ornaments for the girls and one for a wedding present.  It was a beautiful, sunny day with a breeze.  We had fun!

Near the car, we saw a "home job carnival" with a couple bouncies and a face painter.  Paid for the kids to go in the jumpies and each one got their face or arm painted.. Well, when you're six and seven, they get snakes on their arms!!  Tills and Audrey got rainbows on their cheeks.  Super cute!!  

After a couple cotton candies, we were on our way home, super happy, sugared out day!  Then spent the evening with Traegered pizza and good friends at Rob and Shannons!!  I feel so lucky to have met them!  The best thing that came out of Greenstone Montessori!  They are so down to earth and true friends.  We both love hanging out with them and our kids get along great.  

Quincee and Tillee enjoyed themselves, and got to play at Rob and Shannon's until almost bedtime.  Quincee and Parker enjoyed eating a cotton candy at the same time.  Rob was a trooper and carted our kettle korn around in his backpack!  Sorry Rob!  hehehe  Next year, it is full on... Leiderhosen for Rob and Ben!!!

til next time,

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My First Post

I created this blog because I have really gotten into going to others blogs and seeing how they are saving information of the present for the future. Writing is not my forte at all, so bear with me. The old writings may be rough around the edges but will hopefully get my point across. I tend to write a lot of letters in my head, this may be my chance to get them "down on paper." I have a thousand letters in my head I have written to each dear daughter, especially as I would rock them in the middle of the night as they drank their milk. I hope to capture some of the enormous love and gratitude I have for both girls.

FAMILY: the single most important thing to both Ben and I. I feel so lucky to have two great girls who love on us daily.

Today was a lazy almost-fall day... Went and watched my first Pink Panther soccer game. Quincee played defender and forward. She is shy about getting in and kicking the ball, but she can run fast. Tillee and I got wet as we watched, but Tills enjoyed playing with the "new" umbrella we got from Tori. Quincee and her team played well for it being a rainy day. She informed me this morning after she saw it was raining outside..."I am not playing next year!" Oh, I hope she changes her mind!! Not to be a pageant parent, but I think sports for young kids is a good idea.

Later on, we played Sequence for kids and Candyland. Good time to just snuggle and talk and drink our apple cider! Off to Oktoberfest tomorrow...

Ben will be home in the morning, went with Jason to hang trail cam at TenMile...hopefully he fixed the water system too!!

Til next time,